The way to live as children of God (Luke6:20-26)

조회 수 8736 추천 수 0 2016.03.22 04:10:51

The way to live as children of God (Luke6:20-26)



I think Jesus was focusing on the rewards and the true riches that the Kingdom of heaven would bring. Maybe not necessarily saying because you are poor, you are blessed, as if restricting the blessing to those who are only poor, but rather saying "Those who follow me now, but are yet poor in this world... your true reward is coming in the future."


Poorness, hunger, and to weep, was often the common reality of the ordinary masses that followed Jesus. The focus was on the reward that God would bring in His coming Kingdom. Contrast between this present worldly kingdom and God's kingdom. This kingdom now was an imperfect, oppressive evil kingdom symbolized by the pagan Roman empire and by the empty religious leaders of the Jews.


Was He in a sense even saying, as a follower of Christ, to truly be faithful and found true in Him in this evil, corrupt world, would mean to be poor, to be hungry, to weep, and be persecuted because of one's faith. It was a word to give hope to His disciples who longed for God's kingdom to come, yet did not fully see it or receive it. They longed for God's reign, His messianic kingdom, yet as of now, Jews were still enslaved by this worldly system (Rome), poor, oppressed, they still went hungry, they had reason to weep under the spiritual condition of the Jewish nation and their own current states. All these descriptions (poor, hunger, weep, persecution) was partly what it means to be faithful to Yeshua in this current world, to be singled out, to carry the cross, to receive jeer, ridicule, even persecution and martyrdom. That was the sign of His true followers.


Jesus was speaking encouraging them saying "Do not lose hope, your reward is coming. Your longings will be satisfied, all of the promises in the Psalms and in the Prophets of the restorative fortunes of Israel will be fulfilled. God will overturn the fortunes of His people. Yet it is not in the way that the masses think it will be." It may even be that true restoration will not come until the coming of the Messiah but it is here now.


Rich, this seems that Jesus is not speaking about the righteous rich, like Joseph of Arimathea who followed Jesus, but the rich who are complacent in this world. Who are complacent to follow the corrupt world system and think that there was nothing more to this world. They were completely at ease in the corrupt evil world. They had no need to feel hungry, or dissatisfied, or to weep. Because rather than having God's kingdom as their priority was on comforts of this world.


It was the poor who longed for the coming of His kingdom. It was the masses who desired for God's kingdom to break in and bring freedom, even spiritual restoration, as was the case with the followers of John the Baptist. The religious elite as well as the social elite were at peace merely wanting to hold onto their positions and not cause any trouble with the Romans. The rich got there through siding with the Romans.


I don't believe that Jesus was favoring the poor over the rich but showing the reality of God's kingdom, His values vs. that of the world through two different types of people- His followers who were poor and the ungodly rich who had no concern for God's kingdom.


Is this why Jesus speaks of loving your enemies in the next section? Jesus will bring restitution upon the rich who are complacent. But as for you who are the poor followers of Jesus, do not take revenge upon those who persecute you, but rather bless those who hate you. Surely it is with the Romans government in mind when Jesus is speaking to the Jewish crowd. As for you live as you love all men, not just those who do good to you, not just your own kindred, but even the pagan Roman soldier who steals your coat... who slaps you, This is the way to live out the kingdom of God as a citizen of heaven. This radical love for humanity is once again, similar to the contrast provided in the beatitudes the way to live as children of God.




2016.03.22 04:14:15

팔복의 첫번째 복인 마음이 가난한 자의 복(마5:3)의

누가복음 평행구절에 대해 David Park 전도사가 간단히 묵상한 글을 

영어로 그대로 올립니다. ^0^


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