Unseperable Holiness and Mercy

조회 수 20498 추천 수 0 2016.12.30 05:27:24

Some thoughts as I was meditating upon when David was bringing the ark of the LORD to Jerusalem. The Presence of God is a place of deep reverence and awe where we are to fear the LORD and stand consecrated and holy before Him. This is signified by what happened to Uzzah. God is a God of holiness and He cannot be tampered with. There is a side of God that remains a mystery, and He is quite dangerous to us mortals who do not know how to approach Him. Yet there was also great celebration and joy as they brought the ark to Jerusalem. David and the worshipers danced with all their might, and the musicians were playing their instruments; it was a festive procession. Therefore, the two must go hand in hand when worshiping the LORD- to worship Him in His holiness and majesty, to fear Him and to tremble before Him; and to also celebrate Him with all of our joy! These two aspects of worship cannot be separated just as the two attributes of God- His divine holiness and mercy- cannot be separated.





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