(퍼옴) Why Do We Evangelize? (03)

조회 수 185 추천 수 1 2023.09.20 15:22:37

Why Do We Evangelize? (03)

Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” (John 4:29)
Have you ever felt so enlightened, elated, and exuberant at the message of the gospel that you just wanted to go and tell everyone? More than just obligation that Jesus commanded us to “Go and preach the gospel,” or that people are going to hell without Christ, this is the greatest motivator for evangelism. When you’re so full of the love of God that you want to go tell everyone, you’re unstoppable. People will see your contagious joy and want that for themselves. You’ll have conviction when you share because they’ll see the transformation and joy in you. 

This is what happened with the Samaritan woman (John 4). She was so powerfully impacted by Jesus (and finding out that He was the Messiah), that she wanted to go tell the entire townspeople. They must have noticed the change that took place in her. A little background knowledge: for one, she was coming to draw water at noon, the hottest time when no one came to draw water, possibly because she wanted to avoid running into the villagers who knew her as a woman of loose morals and treated her that way. So for her to suddenly overcome her defenses, not care about what the people think, but beaming with excitement and joy to tell them all, was a powerful testament of her encounter with Jesus. She knew that if the man she had met was the Messiah, then she had hope that not only her life would change, but all of her townspeople’s as well. And this Good News she could not keep for herself. She could not contain this joy, this excitement, this elation. She had to tell someone… everyone. And the people saw that change in her. It was real. Convincing. 

Many people wonder, “How should we evangelize?” We don’t need a formula. We just need to be filled with gratitude and joy of encountering Jesus and share that joy with others, pointing people to the source of that joy. This is the most effective way of evangelism!

Prayer and Action Step
Fill us with gratitude and joy for the gospel. Let us emanate that joy and let it overflow and leak out to others wherever we go, pointing people to Jesus. 


2023.09.20 16:28:21

이곳을 찾는 모두가 각자의 일상에서 그리스도의 향기를 풍기며 주님으로 인해 늘 즐거워하고 감사드려, 자연스레 주변의 다른이들과 이 기쁨을 함께 나누어 예수님의 십자가복음이 절로 널리 퍼질 수 있기를 기도합니다. 

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